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Text 8
so ’napatyo viṣaṇṇātmā
varuṇaṁ śaraṇaṁ yātaḥ
putro me jāyatāṁ prabho
saḥ — that Hariścandra; anapatyaḥ — being without a son; viṣaṇṇa-ātmā — therefore very morose; nāradasya — of Nārada; upadeśataḥ — by the advice; varuṇam — unto Varuṇa; śaraṇam yātaḥ — took shelter; putraḥ — a son; me — of me; jāyatām — let there be born; prabho — O my lord.
Hariścandra had no son and was therefore extremely morose. Once, therefore, following the advice of Nārada, he took shelter of Varuṇa and said to him, “My lord, I have no son. Would you kindly give me one?”