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Text 24
sā tad bhartuḥ samādāya
vacaḥ kuvalayekṣaṇā
sarajaṁ bibhratī vāso
veṇī-bhūtāṁś ca mūrdhajān
sā — she; tat — then; bhartuḥ — of her husband; samādāya — accepting; vacaḥ — the words; kuvalaya-īkṣaṇā — the lotus-eyed; sa-rajam — dirty; bibhratī — wearing; vāsaḥ — clothing; veṇī-bhūtān — matted; ca — and; mūrdha-jān — hair.
The lotus-eyed Devahūti accepted the order of her husband. Because of her dirty dress and the locks of matted hair on her head, she did not look very attractive.
It appears that Devahūti’s hair had remained uncombed for many years and had become complicated in tangles. In other words, she neglected her bodily dress and comforts to engage in the service of her husband.