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Text 204

āra śuddha-bhakta kṛṣṇa-prema-sevā vine
sva-sukhārtha sālokyādi nā kare grahaṇe

āra — and; śuddha-bhakta — the pure devotee; kṛṣṇa-prema — out of love for Lord Kṛṣṇa; sevā — service; vine — without; sva-sukha-artha — for the purpose of one’s own pleasure; sālokya-ādi — the five types of liberation, beginning from sālokya (residing on the same spiritual planet as the Lord); nā kare — do not do; grahaṇe — acceptance.

Furthermore, pure devotees never forsake the loving service of Lord Kṛṣṇa to aspire for their own personal pleasure through the five kinds of liberation.

A pure devotee of Kṛṣṇa who loves Him exclusively will flatly refuse to accept any sort of liberation, beginning from merging with the body of the Lord and extending to the other varieties of liberation, such as equality of form, opulence or abode and the opulence of living near the Lord.

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