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Text 21
taṁ vīkṣya duḥsaha-javaṁ
vaijayantyā srajā juṣṭam
tam — him; vīkṣya — having seen; duḥsaha — difficult to control; javam — temper; raṇat — tinkling; kāñcana — gold; nūpuram — anklets; vaijayantyā srajā — with a vaijayantī garland; juṣṭam — adorned; aṁsa — on his shoulder; nyasta — rested; mahā-gadam — a huge mace.
Hiraṇyākṣa’s temper was difficult to control. He had anklets of gold tinkling about his feet, he was adorned with a gigantic garland, and he rested his huge mace on one of his shoulders.