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Text 7
cukrośa vimanā vārdhir
udūrmiḥ kṣubhitodaraḥ
sodapānāś ca saritaś
cukṣubhuḥ śuṣka-paṅkajāḥ
cukrośa — wailed aloud; vimanāḥ — stricken with sorrow; vārdhiḥ — the ocean; udūrmiḥ — high waves; kṣubhita — agitated; udaraḥ — the creatures inside; sa-udapānāḥ — with the drinking water of the lakes and the wells; ca — and; saritaḥ — the rivers; cukṣubhuḥ — were agitated; śuṣka — withered; paṅkajāḥ — lotus flowers.
The ocean with its high waves wailed aloud as if stricken with sorrow, and there was a commotion among the creatures inhabiting the ocean. The rivers and lakes were also agitated, and lotuses withered.