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Text 35
bhartuḥ purastād ātmānaṁ
strī-sahasra-vṛtaṁ tadā
niśāmya tad-yoga-gatiṁ
saṁśayaṁ pratyapadyata
bhartuḥ — of her husband; purastāt — in the presence; ātmānam — herself; strī-sahasra — by a thousand maids; vṛtam — surrounded; tadā — then; niśāmya — seeing; tat — his; yoga-gatim — yogic power; saṁśayam pratyapadyata — she was amazed.
She was amazed to find herself surrounded by a thousand maids in the presence of her husband and to witness his yogic power.
Devahūti saw everything miraculously done, yet when brought before her husband she could understand that it was all due to his great yogic mystic power. She understood that nothing was impossible for a yogī like Kardama Muni.