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Text 33

sa karma-bījaṁ rajasoparaktaḥ
prajāḥ sisṛkṣann iyad eva dṛṣṭvā
astaud visargābhimukhas tam īḍyam
avyakta-vartmany abhiveśitātmā

saḥ — he (Brahmā); karma-bījam — seed of worldly activities; rajasā uparaktaḥ — initiated by the mode of passion; prajāḥ — living entities; sisṛkṣan — willing to create progeny; iyat — all the five causes of creation; eva — thus; dṛṣṭvā — looking on; astaut — prayed for; visarga — creation after the creation by the Lord; abhimukhaḥ — towards; tam — that; īḍyam — worshipable; avyakta — transcendental; vartmani — on the path of; abhiveśita — fixed; ātmā — mind.

Lord Brahmā, thus being surcharged with the mode of passion, became inclined to create, and after seeing the five causes of creation indicated by the Personality of Godhead, he began to offer his respectful prayers on the path of the creative mentality.

Even if one is in the material mode of passion, to create something in the world he has to take shelter of the Supreme for the necessary energy. That is the path of the successful termination of any attempt.

Thus end the Bhaktivedanta purports of the Third Canto, Eighth Chapter, of the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, entitled “Manifestation of Brahmā from Garbhodakaśāyī Viṣṇu.”

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