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Text 24
tato nivṛttaḥ krīḍiṣyan
gambhīraṁ bhīma-nisvanam
vijagāhe mahā-sattvo
vārdhiṁ matta iva dvipaḥ
tataḥ — then; nivṛttaḥ — returned; krīḍiṣyan — for the sake of sport; gambhīram — deep; bhīma-nisvanam — making a terrible sound; vijagāhe — dived; mahā-sattvaḥ — the mighty being; vārdhim — in the ocean; mattaḥ — in wrath; iva — like; dvipaḥ — an elephant.
After returning from the heavenly kingdom, the mighty demon, who was like an elephant in wrath, for the sake of sport dived into the deep ocean, which was roaring terribly.